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There is nothing more delightful than sitting on the couch with a scented candle lit. Candles smell good, give a cozy atmosphere with their warm light and also look nice in the interior.
Unfortunately, accidents can sometimes happen with candles, causing candle wax to end up where you don’t want it to. Fortunately, with the following tips, you can remove candle wax from any material in no time, without leaving stains.
Unfortunately, a candle wax stain on a carpet or rug is easily made. Everyone knows it’s not smart to move a burning scented candle, but sometimes we do it anyway against our better judgment. So it’s good to know that you don’t have to replace a carpet or rug or cut out a part of it afterwards.
Although it is a bit of a chore, candle wax can simply be removed from it without leaving unsightly residue or stains. All you need for this method is some thick paper (think baking paper or a paper bag, for example) and an iron.
When combined with a wooden interior, scented candles can create a wonderfully romantic atmosphere in a room. Unfortunately, this combination can also sometimes create less pleasant situations, such as spilled wax on a wooden surface. Unfortunately, this can have bad consequences for your wooden furniture, so it is essential to take action right away. Fortunately, when you get to it quickly, it’s fairly easy to make sure the grease doesn’t leave any stains.
Sometimes it can happen that you accidentally hang in a scented candle with your clothes, or splatter on your clothes while blowing out the candle. It would be a shame if you had to immediately throw away your garment because of this, but fortunately that is not the case. This way you can easily get the grease out of your clothes without leaving any stains.
Although it may not seem logical at first, candle wax in the hair is quite common. In fact, for people with long hair, this happens faster than you think. You lean over a scented candle to grab something and suddenly notice that your hair is covered in grease. But don’t panic: It is very easy to remove it afterwards. The method just depends on where in the hair the grease ended up.
At the bottom of the hair
Close to the scalp
As with glass, candle wax can easily end up on the wall while being blown out. Fortunately, this does not require you to repaint the wall again, as wax can easily be removed from a wall without affecting the paint.
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Thanks to our partner: Mollie